Council Fire’s Carbon Footprint Reduction and Offsets

As a purpose-driven social enterprise, Council Fire is simultaneously focused on changing behavior and producing results for our clients at the organizational level and at scale. At the same time, we know that embodying the ideas we help our clients reach for is the best way for us to forge a path to the future. As part of our commitment to sustainability and carbon neutrality, we are continuously working to reduce our carbon footprint. Our efforts include operating as a remote work company to eliminate team member commutes and office electricity consumption, minimizing work travel whenever possible, and leveraging virtual meeting platforms. 

Of course, some emissions are currently unavoidable, and we are committed to offsetting those emissions. To do so, we have purchased and retired verified emission reduction credits from Gold Standard ( By offsetting 60 tons of carbon via the Gold Standard Carbon Plus portfolio, Council Fire has been able to support emissions reductions on a variety of projects, from clean cooking solutions to renewable energy, reaching all corners of the globe.

Global emissions are an important focus, but as a B Corporation and sustainable business leader, Council Fire is also keenly interested in making business a force for good on the economic and social fronts in addition to environmental action. Our drive for holistic change is also supported by our offsets as the Climate + portfolio projects in which we are invested also rate high in poverty elimination, public health improvement, gender equality, and economic growth. By making this investment in carbon reduction and community resiliency, we are both leading by example and helping to make communities stronger for today and tomorrow.


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